跟着我大声说:This is where I come from!
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words) l Tell us about the most significant challenge you've faced or something important that didn't go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words
斯坦福大学的文书题目里,需要你用50个单词描述如果有机会亲身见证一次着名的历史事件你希望是那什么事件。反思自己在智力发展上有什么思想或者经历对自己有什么重要的影响。我想以前在微博上爆火美国男子Jason因成绩太差辍学,后被人打伤头部,醒后变数学天才一定有话要说,Jason头部被打后看什么都是几何图案,树叶都能看出哥拉斯定理,反射的阳光也能看出圆周率。医生说这种情况叫"后天学者症候群",患者会在被击打脑部后在数学,音 乐和艺术方面展现惊人的才华!
What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 word limit。)Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development. (250 word limit) Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate -- and us -- know you better。(250 word limit) What matters to you, and why? (250 word limit)
以回应这个问题。此外,加州理工还为自己学生群体古怪的幽默感和有创造性的恶作剧推崇备至,要求美国本科申请文书者讲讲自己有哪些“不正常的”寻开心的法子。推荐申请 人查查历史上加州理工和麻省理工的互相攻击的恶作剧大战应该会有启发。
Caltech的学生曾佯装MIT的学生在MIT举办的校园参观日活动中向新生们发放免费的T恤。这些T恤乍一看印着大大的MIT字样,可打开T恤就会发现T恤的背面印有“because not everybody can go to Caltech(因为不是所有人都能进Caltech)”的嘲讽话语。
1.Members of the Caltech community live, learn, and work within an Honor System with one simple guideline; "No member shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community." While seemingly simple, questions of ethics, honesty and integrity are sometimes challenging. Share an ethical dilemma that has challenged you. How did you respond? Your response is not limited to academic situations. (100 words max)
2.Caltech students have long been known for their quirky sense of humor and creative pranks. Please describe an unusual way in which you have fun. (100 words max)
Imagine you are a professor, charged with teaching a new course. Emory University offers over 1,000 courses in a wide range of academic subjects. You are free to choose whatever subject you want. What class would you create? What would you hope students would leave your class having learned? (Don’t forget to include your class title!) (250 word limit)
弗吉尼亚大学被誉为大众情人校,因为其EA阶段的申请人数量庞大,在中国地区的招生也较为宽松,但UVA的申请美国本科文书看上去也不是那么容易搞定哦。第 一个题目就有点让人云里雾里,2006年一位名为Robert Stilling的研究生在UVA的一所图书馆发现了着名诗人罗伯特福斯特的一篇未发表的诗歌,那你的Stilling时刻是在什么时候呢?
第三题则更加无厘头,将莎士比亚的名句To be or not to be改为To tweet or not totweet?可中国申请者根本就Tweet不了啊!
In 2006, graduate student Robert Stilling discovered an unpublished poem by Robert Frost while doing research in UVA’s Small Collections Library. Where will your Stilling moment be in college? We are a community with quirks, both in language (we’ll welcome you to Grounds, not campus) and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are. To tweet or not to tweet?
跟着我大声说:This is where I come from!
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words) l Tell us about the most significant challenge you've faced or something important that didn't go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words
斯坦福大学的文书题目里,需要你用50个单词描述如果有机会亲身见证一次着名的历史事件你希望是那什么事件。反思自己在智力发展上有什么思想或者经历对自己有什么重要的影响。我想以前在微博上爆火美国男子Jason因成绩太差辍学,后被人打伤头部,醒后变数学天才一定有话要说,Jason头部被打后看什么都是几何图案,树叶都能看出哥拉斯定理,反射的阳光也能看出圆周率。医生说这种情况叫"后天学者症候群",患者会在被击打脑部后在数学,音 乐和艺术方面展现惊人的才华!
What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50 word limit。)Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development. (250 word limit) Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate -- and us -- know you better。(250 word limit) What matters to you, and why? (250 word limit)
以回应这个问题。此外,加州理工还为自己学生群体古怪的幽默感和有创造性的恶作剧推崇备至,要求美国本科申请文书者讲讲自己有哪些“不正常的”寻开心的法子。推荐申请 人查查历史上加州理工和麻省理工的互相攻击的恶作剧大战应该会有启发。
Caltech的学生曾佯装MIT的学生在MIT举办的校园参观日活动中向新生们发放免费的T恤。这些T恤乍一看印着大大的MIT字样,可打开T恤就会发现T恤的背面印有“because not everybody can go to Caltech(因为不是所有人都能进Caltech)”的嘲讽话语。
1.Members of the Caltech community live, learn, and work within an Honor System with one simple guideline; "No member shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community." While seemingly simple, questions of ethics, honesty and integrity are sometimes challenging. Share an ethical dilemma that has challenged you. How did you respond? Your response is not limited to academic situations. (100 words max)
2.Caltech students have long been known for their quirky sense of humor and creative pranks. Please describe an unusual way in which you have fun. (100 words max)
Imagine you are a professor, charged with teaching a new course. Emory University offers over 1,000 courses in a wide range of academic subjects. You are free to choose whatever subject you want. What class would you create? What would you hope students would leave your class having learned? (Don’t forget to include your class title!) (250 word limit)
弗吉尼亚大学被誉为大众情人校,因为其EA阶段的申请人数量庞大,在中国地区的招生也较为宽松,但UVA的申请美国本科文书看上去也不是那么容易搞定哦。第 一个题目就有点让人云里雾里,2006年一位名为Robert Stilling的研究生在UVA的一所图书馆发现了着名诗人罗伯特福斯特的一篇未发表的诗歌,那你的Stilling时刻是在什么时候呢?
第三题则更加无厘头,将莎士比亚的名句To be or not to be改为To tweet or not totweet?可中国申请者根本就Tweet不了啊!
In 2006, graduate student Robert Stilling discovered an unpublished poem by Robert Frost while doing research in UVA’s Small Collections Library. Where will your Stilling moment be in college? We are a community with quirks, both in language (we’ll welcome you to Grounds, not campus) and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are. To tweet or not to tweet?